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The reason for the blackening of aluminum surface in Dalian CNC machining is that aluminum products are oxidized and blackened, and it is recommended not to remove them. Aluminum oxide is relatively stable in air. It's difficult to oxidize again. It can protect the internal aluminum from oxidation. Aluminum: Silver white light metal. Has extensibility. Products are often made into rods, sheets, foils, powders, strips, and filaments. A layer of oxide film can be formed in humid air to prevent metal corrosion.
Aluminum powder and aluminum foil can burn fiercely when heated in the air, emitting dazzling white flames. Easy to dissolve in dilute sulfuric acid, nitric acid, hydrochloric acid, sodium hydroxide, and potassium hydroxide solutions, but difficult to dissolve in water. The relative density is 2.70. Melting point 660 ¡æ. Boiling point 2327 ¡æ. Aluminum is the third most abundant metal element in the Earth's crust, after oxygen and silicon. The development of the three important industries of aviation, construction, and automobiles requires materials with unique properties of aluminum and its alloys, which greatly facilitates the production and application of this new metal aluminum and has a wide range of applications.