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盘锦市模具加工Mold processing

  • 所属分类:盘锦市其他种类产品

  • 点击次数:
  • 宣布日期:2024/12/27
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②先基面后其他:即在各加工阶段,总是先把基面加工出来,为其他外貌的加工准备 好定位基准,然后再加工其他外貌。

③先主后次:即在加工(除基面以外的)其他外貌时,先加工零件上质量要求高的工 作外貌(动模芯、型腔)和有配合要求的外貌,后加工非事情外貌和无配合要求的外貌。要 注意在模具、夹具中有些零件上的某些外貌必须在装配历程中或装配组合后才华进行精 加工。

④先平面后孔:一般零件上的平面轮廓尺寸都比较大,用做定位基准比较稳定可靠, 因此拟订工艺历程时常选平面定位,并先予以加工,后加工模具分型面、台阶。


⑥先把动模芯、定模芯(型腔)几何形状、尺寸加工好再加工顶杆孔(有斜孔时先加 工斜孔)、冷却水孔(特殊的可先加工冷却水孔)。


Dalian CNC machining mold sequence

① First rough, then fine: that is, rough machining is arranged first, followed by semi fine machining, and then fine machining and finishing are arranged.

② First the base surface, then the others: that is, in each processing stage, the base surface is always processed first to prepare the positioning reference for the processing of other surfaces, and then the other surfaces are processed.

③ First priority, second priority: that is, when processing other surfaces (except for the base surface), the working surfaces with high quality requirements (dynamic mold core, cavity) and surfaces with fitting requirements on the parts should be processed first, and then non working surfaces and surfaces without fitting requirements should be processed. It should be noted that some surfaces on certain parts in molds and fixtures must be precision machined during or after assembly.

④ First plane, then hole: The contour dimensions of the plane on general parts are relatively large, and it is more stable and reliable to use it as a positioning reference. Therefore, when formulating the process, plane positioning is often selected and processed first, followed by processing the mold parting surface and steps.

⑤ Generally, the mold frame is processed first, and the threaded holes of the template, moving mold core, and fixed mold core are drilled separately.

⑥ First, process the geometric shapes and dimensions of the moving and fixed mold cores (cavities) before processing the top rod holes (if there are inclined holes, process them first) and cooling water holes (special ones can be processed first).

⑦ The arrangement sequence of heat treatment processes in the process route mainly depends on the material of the parts and the requirements of the heat treatment purpose.



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    联 系 人:谢世辉

    手 机:13125453000

    电 话:0411-66371132

    传 真:0411-66361122

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